- 联系人:马军
- 电话:024-81819424
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沈阳锦宏伟业进出口贸易公司是集设计、代理、策划、营销为一体的多功能企业。公司是经沈阳外经贸委、海关总署批准注册的、有进出口经营权的专业公司。自成立以来,经手多个案例均获得成功,在多年的发展历程中,公司积累了丰富的健康产品运作经验,成为国内申报注册、进出口贸易和营销推广的知名企业。 沈阳锦宏伟业进出口贸易公司在客户中有着极高的口碑,我们提供的是最完善的服务。把客户想的到的、想不到的都力求做到最好。公司曾成功的推广了法国名品香水MODALIT(梦达丽特);韩国系列护肤、减肥产品MOOK、SOKY ;日本YAMAHA(雅马哈)、KAWAI(卡哇伊)进口钢琴等多个世界知名品牌。让厂商对我们放心的同时更加赞不绝口。更有法国著名MODALIT(梦达丽特)化妆品有限公司称赞我公司为他们合作过最优秀的企业。无形中我公司为中国赢得了荣誉。 人性化的服务是公司的招牌。在每一项业务接手后,公司都会倾注全部心血、几乎派出所有的员工为每一笔业务进行积极的探讨:项目策划,产品设计、市场研究等一系列的过程。客户在接到我们服务成果的同时,常常觉得物超所值。正因为如此,我们的业务量更是在不景气的今天节节攀升。 目前公司的主要业务有:保健食品和化妆品、药品、消毒产品、医疗器械的研制开发、技术及成果转让、代理注册申报、营销策划与招商扶持、产品合作销售、提供政策法规及相关知识的咨询、组织大规模招商与研讨会等。专业为私人贸易商或生产厂家代理各种货物进出口报关服务,进口清关代理,商检,以及办理产地证(CO.),普惠证(F/A)的一条龙进出口代理服务和国际商品采购代理服务和贸易等项的综合业务。进出口光学、照相、电影、计量、检验、医疗或外科用仪器及设备、精密仪器及设备、上述物品的零件、附件。 选择锦宏伟业,将给您带来不一样的感觉。
Shenyang Jinhong Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd is one of professional agency which approved by general custom and registered by Shenyang Foreign Economic Committee. The company features include design, agents, planning and marketing. We have a lot of successful experience. On the history of Shenyang Jinhong Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd have no failure so now we are the Well-known company in China. We already successful propagated the product about France of MODALIT Korea of MOOK、SOKY ,Japan of YAMAHA KAWAI and so on. Because of the comprehensive range of services ,many clientele like cooperating with our company. They think working with us were enjoyed. The famous company of France MODALIT have said that the company of Jinhong are the best company of China. When we receive a task we not only do the clientele asked we do ,we also let almost all of our staff planning project, designing product, researching market for clientele. We specialized in clear various goods through custom for personal trade company or factory, commodity inspection, book and rent shipping space, shipping goods, acting CO,F/A certificate. We have Import and Export agency service and purchasing company for international goods. communicate with abroad, also build long-time co-operation with insurance company, acting various types of shipping and insurances from abroad.Optical,photographic,cinematographic,measuring,checking,precision,medical of surgical instruments and apparatus ;Parts and accessories thereof.
公司名称: |
(沈阳报关)沈阳锦宏伟业进出口贸易公司 |
公司类型: |
其它 (其它机构) |
所 在 地: |
辽宁/沈阳市 |
公司规模: |
0 |
注册资本: |
未填写 |
注册年份: |
0 |
资料认证: |
保 证 金: |
已缴纳 0.00 元 |
经营模式: |
其它机构 |
主营行业: |